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Harml Touristik GmbH
Flachauer straße 163
A-5542 Flachau
Phone: +43 (0) 64572311
UID: ATU80018534
Professional group: Hotel industry
Chamber: Chamber of Commerce
Company register: 614088x

Bank details: Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich
Account holder: Harml Touristik GmbH
IBAN: AT97 3400 0084 0441 7440

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Concept, Design:

Technical Implementation:
Inbound Labs

Image & Video:


Analysis tools and advertising

Online marketing & marketing automation for the hotel industry ADDITIVE+ Game changing hospitality marketing on autopilot Industriezone 1/5 - Eurocenter I - 39011 Lana Südtirol / Italy Tel +39 0473 538800 E-Mail

ADDITIVE has been supporting renowned hotel companies in hotel online marketing as an advertising agency since 2005 with the first online marketing system based on data and marketing automation especially for hotels. The result is more direct bookings and turnover, as well as transparently measurable marketing and sales success through innovative hotel marketing software in the areas of marketing and sales automation for hotels with ADDITIVE+ MARKETING AUTOMATION, innovative hotel e-mail marketing and hotel newsletters with ADDITIVE+ NEWSLETTER and voucher marketing with ADDITIVE+ GIFT VOUCHERS. Data protection and GDPR compliance are of central importance to ADDITIVE in the development of new software solutions, further information can be found on this website under Privacy or Data protection.

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